Preparing For The Storms In Life

Storms of Life

Hurricane Ian is coming and we are taking it seriously. We are keeping track of the forecast and stocking up on all the necessities needed to make it through safely - water, sand bags, flashlights, first aid kits, and I just filled up the tank with gas. We have a bag packed by the door in case we have to evacuate, and I have friends on call to go bunk with if it gets too scary. A few years ago, we rode out a category 3 hurricane and it was scary as heck; the boys and I were glued to each other all night. All that preparation has me thinking about the storms of life. We may not always experience a hurricane but one thing that we have in common is that we all have storms in our lives. How you come through depends on how well prepared you are, and how much support you have around you. Just like we do when a hurricane is coming, we need to equip ourself with faith, friends who support us, prayer, our favorite uplifting quotes, emergency fund, self care rituals, and anything else that is required. We don’t have much control over the storms that come our way but each storm increases our resilience and get up better prepared for the next. Be safe everyone.

#islandmindfulmeditation #ian #stormsoflife

#janetautherine #randomthoughts

Janet Autherine

Embrace your uniqueness and grow into your greatest self!

Random Thoughts, Not Gospel


Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow