Janet Autherine

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2020 Will Not Defeat Us

2020 has brought unrelenting stress and pain and we just want to rip it to shreds and start again. We find ourselves hanging on to any measure of hope. Covid-19, Ahmaud Arbery, George Floyd, and numerous other "breaking news" is threatening to break us. Watching the unheeded screams of George Floyd begging for his life and calling out for his mother before taking his last breath is enough to break anyone. Even the strongest and most optimistic among us is beginning to feel powerless.

We have to dig deep and find our source of strength. I turn to prayer. Prayer in the morning, noontime and evening, followed by action; action is vital. We have to surround ourselves with people who are bringing light, not more darkness, look for opportunities to take action by helping a neighbor, signing a petition, calling our representatives, wearing our mask, peacefully protesting, examining our own hearts for signs of prejudice. We have to employ prayers, meditation, reflection, therapy, and/or any other positive source of strength to counteract the false feeling that we are powerless. We may be numb but we are not powerless. These are hard times and there are some horrendous things happening but we can still do hard things. We are not as powerless as 2020 is making us feel. 2020 will not defeat us.