Janet Autherine

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I'm so excited to present the inaugural issue of GREAT NEWS, the Growing into Greatness E-Magazine!  There is so much to celebrate! We are excited about Black History Month, the Black Panther movie, the unveiling of the Obama portraits at the National Portrait Gallery, and our new interview series, Footprints in the Sand.  

The Growing into Greatness concept started as a blog about raising strong, smart boys.  It led to the children's book, Growing into Greatness with God: 7 Paths to Greatness for our Sons & Daughters and has grown into a community that uplifts each other with GREAT NEWS, inspiration and advice to support and encourage each other as we grow into our own definition of greatness. Please JOIN US.

Our first interview in the Footprints in the Sand series is with the fabulous, Lyn Vaughn.  Her life has centered on caring for her family and showing kindness to everyone that she encounters.  Her mantra is: Push Through! Push through life, push through hard times, push through obstacles, push through difficult people, push through a hard workout routine, push through bad attitudes, push through health issues, push through death, loss, division, anxiety and fear, push through, push through, push through! READ her bio below and her inspiring interview HERE.

Thanks so much for supporting our community and joining us on this journey.  Next month, we celebrate Women's History Month and some amazing young women who are growing into their greatness and making us proud. I am also excited to discuss my Shero, Michelle Obama.  Her inspiring words in reaction to her portrait are giving me life.  

SPREAD THE WORD.  We all love to get GREAT NEWS, so please forward this E-Magazine. And don't forget to follow us on INSTAGRAM & FACEBOOK